Thank you for giving​
Our church runs on your donations. We rely on generous gifts to support our worship as well as our programme of community activities. Without your assistance we will not be able to fulfill our mission.
Ways to donate
You can donate as a one-off, or you may be able to make a recurring donation. You can choose to support a specific part of our work by making a 'restricted' donation which will only be spent in line with your particular wishes. You may be happy to make an 'unrestricted' donation, which the PCC will choose how best to spend. Please find further information on how to give below.
Not just money
As well as financial gifts, we warmly welcome gifts of your time and expertise. Please visit our Volunteer page to discover the wealth of opportunities you have to be involved in all aspects of what we do. This is a very real way to provide enormous benefit to life at St Peter-in-the-Forest.
Money donated through ChurchDesk arrives at St Peter's at the end of every calendar month. You can add Gift Aid to your donation to increase the benefit of your giving to us. Leaving your name and email address will allow us to keep you updated with how we spend our donations. Donating through ChurchDesk incurs a processing fee of 2.6% of your donation + 40p, which is taken out of your donation.
'Restricted' donations ​
'Restricted' donations enable you, the donor, to choose what aspect of our mission you would like to support. We will only spend gifts of this kind in line with your specific wishes. You can also use all of these payment methods to make an 'unrestricted' donation. If you don't specify a restriction, the PCC will allocate your gift as an 'unrestricted' donation.
Bank Transfers
Bank transfers are the best way to donate: we get the money instantly, it doesn't cost us anything, you can add restrictions to your giving if you wish, and you can add Gift Aid. If you set up a standing order, we will receive your Gift Aid contribution once a year. Donating through our Parish Giving Scheme will enable us to receive Gift Aid every month.
Please use your name as the transaction reference.
Account Name: PCC of St Peter in the Forest Walthamstow
Account Number: 65621822
Sort Code: 08-92-99
If you are a UK taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid your donation,
complete the Gift Aid Declaration form and email it to
Card Payments
We can take card donations through GoodBox. This is the same way we take a collection during our Sunday services as well as other events. To make a card donation, please call our office on 02085091811. A service charge of 2.5% + 10p will be taken by GoodBox from your donation. Money donated in this way will arrive in our account two weeks after you make your gift.
Please make your cheque payable to 'PCC of St Peter in the Forest Walthamstow' and post it to us at 'Peterhouse Centre, 122 Forest Rise, London, E17 3PW'. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like the PCC to reclaim the tax you have paid on your donation through the Gift Aid scheme, you can download our Gift Aid declaration form. Just print it out, fill it in, and send it to us with your cheque.
If you’d like to discuss a leaving a gift in your will, please email our treasurer on
'Unrestricted' donations ​
'Unrestricted' donations are gifts that the PCC of St-Peter-in-the-Forest Walthamstow chooses how to spend to best meet our mission of worship and community-building. These donation methods can only be used to give an 'unrestricted' donation.
Parish Giving Scheme
St Peter-in-the-Forest is part of the Parish Giving Scheme, through which you can set up a Direct Debit to make a donation every month, quarter, or year. The Parish Giving Scheme includes a Gift Aiding option, helping your money go even further. You can also future-proof your donation by choosing to automatically adjust your Direct Debit in line with inflation. We will receive gifts donated through the Parish Giving Scheme a week after the money has left your account.
To give an 'unrestricted' donation through the Parish Giving Scheme, please visit the Parish Giving Scheme website.
Alternatively, you can call 03330021271 and give our unique parish number: 080608194 (phone lines are open between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm), or fill out a postal giving form from our treasurer (please email