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Community Cafe


St Peter-in-the-Forest is one of only two churches in our borough to have a graveyard. It requires a lot of maintenance to keep it in good order and accessible to visitors! Many of our public events and programmes will take place outside of our church building, so it is essential that it is an inviting space—especially for those enjoying their first trip to St Peter's. As well as trimming and pruning, we also need volunteers who have the skills—or the passion to learn how—to grow our Garden of Remembrance into beautiful and special place for stillness and reflection.


However, we are not just interested in human visitors to our churchyard! St Peter's has been designated as a Site of Specific Scientific Interest within Epping Forest, given the great biodiversity of our patch. We need to keep track of all the various species of animals and plants that inhabit our churchyard and encourage more creatures great and small to grow and flourish here. We will approach gardening with conservation in mind, and our green-fingered volunteers will be able to take part on special training courses to properly maintain God's Acre.


If you are happy to volunteer as a cafe helper at St Peter-in-the-Forest, please fill out our Volunteer Sign-Up Form.

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